I’ve been mulling this site over a bit. When I originally picked the name it felt really right, but I’ve drifted away from that now, and I’m not super into it anymore. So I’ll probably think up a new name and just transfer everything over. I have no idea what that’s going to be, I really like populuxe.ca (which is currently hosting my completely neglected photoblog). I almost wonder if I should redo that one AGAIN and make it a blog closer to this one.
I love the term and the aesthetic it captures, but I’m unsure if I want to change what that domain is yet again, because I like having a dedicated photoblog, even an unused one. Which seems like a silly thing to agonize over, doesn’t it?
The fact is, I feel like I constrained myself a bit making this blog called texture and form (and honestly, the more I thought about it, the more fart-sniffy it sounded). While yes, most of what I post is likely to continue being stuff that I make, I want to leave it a bit more loosey-goosey for the future.
And sometimes I just want to post text too.
We’ll see what happens.